Adam Åajczak
Head of Department
Pedagogical University
Adam Åajczak, geomorphologist, hydrologist, current employment: Institute of Geography, Pedagogical University in Cracow (head of Department of Geoinformation and Geoenvironment Research). Recently he has been focusing on the research on geoecology of mountains and their forelands, rivers valleys and marshy areas. He is a member of Association of Polish Geomorphologists, International Association of Geomorphologists, International Association of Hydrological Sciences (Commissions: Continental Erosion and Water Resources), European Geophysical Union. He started his research in the frames of the project IAG – Antropocen Geomorphology. In his research much attention is paid to geomorphology, hydrology and palaeogeography of peatbogs, especially to anthropogenic degradation of peatbogs and decrease of their water retention. Simultaneously he is engaged in the research on causes, course and results of floods in the valleys of the Carpathians and their northern foreland and on hydrological consequences of progressive decrease of capacity of dam reservoirs due to their siltation.
Research Interest
geomorphologist, hydrologist`, geoecology of mountains and their forelands, rivers valleys and marshy areas.