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Renowned Speakers

 Cristina Menta

Cristina Menta

University of Parma Italy

Vladimir L Andreev

Vladimir L Andreev

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering Russia

 Edwige Vannier

Edwige Vannier

University of Versailles-St Quentin France

 Ming Pei You

Ming Pei You

University of Western Australia Australia

M. Ângelo Rodrigues

M. Ângelo Rodrigues

Centro de Investigação de Montanha – Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal Portugal

 Nataliya Petrovna Kirillova

Nataliya Petrovna Kirillova

Moscow State University, Russia Russia

Lidija Galović

Lidija Galović

Croatian Geological Survey, Croatia Croatia

Annalina Lombardi

Annalina Lombardi

University of L’Aquila Italy Italy

Recommended Global Genetics & Molecular Biology Webinars & Conferences

Asia Pacific & Middle East

Soil Science 2024

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date December 12-13, 2024

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

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