Ernesto is an Associate Professor of Applied Physics at the University of Valencia, Spain since 1987. He is the Head of the Climatology from Satellites Group where his main research interests refer to the validation of low-resolution remote sensing data products (radiation, soil moisture). He is in charge of two ground validation facilities, namely the Valencia and the Alacant Anchor Stations in Spain.
He is currently involved in scientific activities of the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget mission, the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission, the joint EUMETSAT-ESA EPS-MetOp mission and the Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer mission. He is also Chair of the COSPAR Sub-Commission A3 on Land Processes and Morphology -within the Scientific Commission A on Space Studies of the Earth's Surface, Meteorology, and Climate. In this context he was the main organizer of the COSPAR Training and Capacity Building Course on Earth Observation Understanding of the Water Cycle and is now contributing to the organization of the COSPAR Training and Capacity Building Course on Remote Sensing of the Global Water Circulation to Climate Change, Beijing, China, September 2012.